Farrow & Ball offers a wide range of wallpaper designs, catering to diverse tastes and design styles. Whether you prefer classic motifs, contemporary patterns, or bold geometrics, there's sure to be a wallpaper for you!
Each roll of Farrow & Ball wallpaper is meticulously crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring attention to detail and precision in every aspect of the design. From hand-painted patterns to intricate printing techniques, the craftsmanship behind Farrow & Ball wallpapers is unparalleled.
But it's not just about looks – Farrow & Ball wallpapers are made using sustainable practices and eco-friendly materials, ensuring a product that is as conscientious as it is beautiful. Wallpaper is made using a high quality, heavy weight paper sourced from sustainably managed forests None of they use to print their wallpapers, the glazes they use to protect them, or the paste we use to hang them, contain any animal derivatives. They’ve never been tested on animals, nor will they ever be, which means you can rest assured that you’re bringing your home to life with a proudly cruelty-free product.
Each roll is made to order using the same color palette as their paints thereby creating a unified a seamless, integrated approach to interior design, ensuring consistency, quality, and visual harmony throughout your space.
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Farrow & Ball Wallpaper
Questions? Please email farrowball @cokasdiko.com